Credit Where It Is Due

Credit Where It is Due

I like to make photographs, and I enjoy being praised for what I have done. But God teaches a different attitude, one of thankfulness and humility. He pointed that out to me recently. I DO NOT MAKE THESE PHOTOGRAPHS ALONE. I didn't create the light, or the technology which makes photography possible. I didn't buy my camera, it was a gift from my husband. I didn't give myself the ability to see through the camera in order to make an image which others find pleasing. It is right to use what I have been given to the best of my ability, but it is wrong to take credit for what I have not done. God made the light, the elements which are used to manufacture the camera, and the world from which these images come. He has given me gifts: people to teach me, eyes to see with, and a brain to process information. I am thankful for these gifts. He deserves all the praise, not I.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Geese on Fry Creek

Here I am, back at my favorite spot for taking pictures.
I visit this place often!
These Canada Geese are feeding, swimming among and casting some marvelous reflections!
This is an uncropped image of the same area. There were other goose families on this inlet, also.
Soon they will start practicing for their fall migration.


Sylvia K said...

Love those beautiful geese! And what delightful, watery reflections for the day, Dimple! Lovely captures! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lovely place to spend some time (by the water is my favorite kind of sitting place!) The geese are fun to watch -- here in the Willamette Valley too many of them have, apparently, decided not to migrate though. (It seldom gets that cold I guess). So there are kind of too many.

'Tsuki said...

This set of pictures is so lovely Dimple... I just love the way you see and share nature.

Ms. Becky said...

ooh, nice ones Dimple. happy Friday to you.

joo said...

Lovely set of photos!
Have a nice weekend:)

Dianne said...

I love seeing the 3 separate groups
3 families enjoying a day at the lake :)

Jim said...

marvellous reflections

Dianne said...

A beautiful peaceful scene and I just love the name of that creek - Fry Creek!

Karen said...

Terrific captures Louise! I would visit ther often too.

Joanne Olivieri said...

These are great shots with such stunning details. Well done.

eileeninmd said...

Looks like a lovely place to visit, if I was there I would visit often too. Wonderful photos of the geese and the creek.

Rosie Gan said...

They appear to be moving at 50km per hour! What a charming scene, Dimple.

theconstantwalker said...

Beautiful birds to see...
I saw a flock feeding in the recently harvested fields on my commute to work this morning.
Thanks for sharing your lovely images.

Kathie Brown said...

Lovely. and I love to hear their call when they are migrating.

mick said...

Great photos and lovely reflections.

holdingmoments said...

I love these geese. So noisy, but full of character.

FjÀllripan said...

Beautiful photos of the lovely geeses and very nice reflections in the water.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Watching geese swim is a restful pastime to me.


A mist, a drop, a river, the sea—
All of this water, a gift for me!

Some snow, a berg, or maybe some ice—
Anything frozen, that would be nice!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Pearl Harbor

♥ Braja said...

Could also be a Reflections post :) Lovely soothing mood to the pics....very nice...

Chie Wilks said...

wow, these are awesome captures of these captivating views

a visit from Watery Wednesday. hope u could visit mine too

Hootin Anni said...

So very peaceful...I can almost hear their chattering.


Hope you find time to visit. Have a glorious Wednesday.

Jan n Jer said...

such a lovely scene...I would visit often too!

genie said...

Love the name Frye Creek...I can tell it is once again time for a large geese party. Looks like it was well attended. Such pretty shots on a dreary day here in VA. genie

Kim, USA said...

They are always in a formation and always following with the one in front is that their mother or father? ^_^

Watery Wednesday

Chubskulit Rose said...

What a delight to see these beautiful photos. Great shots!

My Watery post, have a lovely day!

Anonymous said...

Lovely group of photos!

Springman said...

Well done Dimple! I like the attitude you take towards photography in your header paragraph.
That pond looks like a wonderful place to practice photography.

jeanlivingsimple said...

Groovy captures! I relate.

Arija said...

Love all three shots,but that second one has some extra magic, I think it is the light.

Tes said...

Such a refreshing sight! Beautiful geese on such a calm water!

Momgen said...

Just pretty looking place. Happy WW!

Mine is here

Mel_Cole said...

beautiful shots you have. love the pleasant and dramatic scenes with the canada geese. visiting you from my watery wednesday @ hearts content of a mama. hope you can visit back.