Credit Where It Is Due

Credit Where It is Due

I like to make photographs, and I enjoy being praised for what I have done. But God teaches a different attitude, one of thankfulness and humility. He pointed that out to me recently. I DO NOT MAKE THESE PHOTOGRAPHS ALONE. I didn't create the light, or the technology which makes photography possible. I didn't buy my camera, it was a gift from my husband. I didn't give myself the ability to see through the camera in order to make an image which others find pleasing. It is right to use what I have been given to the best of my ability, but it is wrong to take credit for what I have not done. God made the light, the elements which are used to manufacture the camera, and the world from which these images come. He has given me gifts: people to teach me, eyes to see with, and a brain to process information. I am thankful for these gifts. He deserves all the praise, not I.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Reflecting on Autumn

A tranquil autumn afternoon on the water for Skywatch Friday, Looking at the Sky on Friday, Weekend Reflections, Scenic Sunday, and Shadow Shot Sunday. Follow the links to see more great photos from all over!
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Jim said...

Perfect reflection.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Ralph said...

I see two skies here - upstairs and downstairs, too. The crystal clear Northwest water shines like a mirror, and wonderfully captures the heavens in a most excellent way. Lovely Idaho!

Sylvia K said...

What gorgeous, perfect reflections! Wow! And such a beautiful sky! That water is a perfect mirror! You don't get them that perfect, that often! Hope you have a great weekend, Dimple!


Megan, Life Revamped said...

perfect peaceful.

have a great weekend!
Come watch the sky with me!
Happy Weekend ahead!


Carletta said...

Absolutely stunning!
Lovely sky and what a super reflection.
Carletta’s Captures.

~Cheryl said...

Beautiful and then some! This is the clearest reflection I've ever seen. Superb shot!

Paulie said...

Nice photo but I was hoping to see snow! lol It really is beautiful!

Rune Eide said...

Ah, that reminds how the world was some months ago. Neat!

rjerdee said...

I remember this! Nice to look at it again.

Calico Crazy said...

Fabulous reflection, it looks like the perfect little vacation spot. ~ Calico Contemplations

Crazy Working Mom said...

The reflections in the water are tranquilizing! Very nicely captured. Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I love the colors!

Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend!

-Tisha @ Looking @ The Sky on Friday

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful, Dimple!

Patti said...

Beautiful capture of the reflection in the lake. What a nice mirror image of the sky.

Wendy said...

Just beautiful--I wish I could live there!

Susie of Arabia said...

This photo is stunning! What a perfect reflection.

Anonymous said...

Good one dimple. Very pleasing composition and perfect reflection in the still water.

Julie said...

The clarity you have achieved here is astounding. The double effect, together with the colours of autumn are a knock-out combination.

Serendipity said...

Very calming. I would love to be there right now!

Hildred said...

Looks like a perfect spot to relax, and the reflections are lovely.

Regina said...

A delightful scenery!
Great shot.

Gena D said...

A great scenery shot - lovely sky and wonderful reflections - just perfect!
Gena @ Thinking Aloud
South Africa

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful scene and reflections. Wonderful shot!

Chubby Chieque said...

A wonderful reflection. I am a reflection lover, so for me, this is marvelous shot.

Thanks for sharing.

Happy SS...

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a serene view...

cieldequimper said...

Crafty Green Poet said it: serene.

storyteller said...

What a BEAUTIFUL photograph ... perfect for the multi-tasking you've opted to do with it. Reminds me of places I've been ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Small Reflections

Anonymous said...

this a very lovely your shot. the clarity and the

A Wild Thing said...

Would this scene be blanketed in snows now??? Simply beautiful!!!

Kat said...

This is a fantastic reflection shot, it truly is a mirror image. I love the boat reflection! Beautiful photo. Kathy

Hot Fudge said...

You could hang this beautiful picture upside down and it would look the same - or have you already done that??

Nefertiti said...

tres jolie ;O)

B : ) said...

That shot is, as they say, picture perfect!

Why don't you come on over to my blog and visit a while

Yolanda said...

Beautiful symmetry in your reflection - and such gorgeous color!

Dianne said...

beautiful scene!

Anonymous said...

beautiful reflections!

Tammie Lee said...

beautiful color, reflection and place.

NitWit1 said...

Definitely reflective and and beautiful.

wanderlust said...

What an amazing reflection! Like a mirror. Great job.

Carolyn Ford said...

Oh my goodness! That is so beautiful...the entire scene is duplicated in that crystal clear reflection! Fabulous!

Lio Popov said...

I like this photos. Thank you. :)

Chubby Chieque said...

REflections is one of a kind therefore I do love it!

Job well done, Lady. TY for sharing the Idaho.
