Credit Where It Is Due

Credit Where It is Due

I like to make photographs, and I enjoy being praised for what I have done. But God teaches a different attitude, one of thankfulness and humility. He pointed that out to me recently. I DO NOT MAKE THESE PHOTOGRAPHS ALONE. I didn't create the light, or the technology which makes photography possible. I didn't buy my camera, it was a gift from my husband. I didn't give myself the ability to see through the camera in order to make an image which others find pleasing. It is right to use what I have been given to the best of my ability, but it is wrong to take credit for what I have not done. God made the light, the elements which are used to manufacture the camera, and the world from which these images come. He has given me gifts: people to teach me, eyes to see with, and a brain to process information. I am thankful for these gifts. He deserves all the praise, not I.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Making Firewood

My husband and I had a nice time on Valentine's Day making firewood. We own a few acres of woodland, and the trees which are dead or dying help us keep warm in the winter. Husband runs the chainsaw, see it there, hiding behind that bit of brush? He also splits the wood, and I help load it into the bucket of our tractor.
I like helping him make wood.

This post is my submission for Blue Monday, Mellow Yellow Monday, Ruby Tuesday, and My World Tuesday. Drop by these great blogs to see pictures from all over!


Debbiedoos said...

We could use some of that wood!!~ We have an outdoor firepit that I can't wait to use soon....Happy Valentines day!

Wendy said...

We do this at our place too, but on a much smaller scale, by the looks of things. We load ours onto a plastic sled instead of a tractor!

Verna Luga said...

hello, great experience you have there on Valentines .... greetings from the Philippines..

Anything Davao
In This Side of Town
Some Things Are Free

Chubskulit Rose said...

That would be nice to warm us up!

Pre-Valentine's Date

rjerdee said...

Lovely way to spend the day...being outdoors, working with nature. No doubt, the day ended in a lovely fire with the two of you snuggling together.

JonJon Rosaleen said...

Making firewood sounds a romantic moment with the other half. Lovely!

Kerslyn said...

that's a great way to spend Valentine's Day...helping around. Isn't it that sweet?

My MYM entry is up here. Have a great week ahead!

Kim, USA said...

Same here! One time I was the one operating the splitter when I didn't pay attention the splitter pressed my thumb I screamed, I cried, I was trembling hubby didn't dare to take off my gloves he thought my thumb was crushed. Thanks God it didn't. One time a half wood dropped on my legs and boy it just hurt so much I (again) screamed and cried. What a life huh!! But I enjoy doing it with my hubby! The firewood gives us warmth this whole winter, we don't buy propane gas (save a lot of money!) ^_^
Thanks for the visit and the comment I do appreciate it.

Ice sculpting

jlshall said...

Wow, that's a very industrious way to spend Valentine's Day! I've always wanted a fireplace, but I'd never be able to cut my own firewood - even though it looks like you had a good time doing it.
Happy Blue Monday from Joysweb

SmilingSally said...

I'm glad he wore that blue hat! Happy Blue Monday.

Stephanie V said...

Many warm moments to come with all that lovely fire wood.

♥ Kathy said...

That shows how good you are to have fun doing work :) Happy Blue Monday

Ralph said...

No doubt, it must be love! Your heart may help to keep you warm, but the wood helps too :>)

That you have the wood is nice. His efforts to keep his spouse comfortable are beyond commendable - they show love!

Patti said...

I've never done that kind of work. You are a better woman than I!

Happy Ruby Tuesday ~

Anonymous said...

You two have been working very hard but a warm fire on a cold day is wonderful!

Sylvia K said...

Well, I do love a fire in our fireplace during the winter, but we don't have a place to cut our own, so we have to buy it and here in Seattle, needless to say, it isn't cheap. But we do splurge now and then. Fortunately, this winter has been very mild. A good project to share though! Have a great week, Dimple! Stay warm!


EJ said...

It must be nice to have your own equipment.

Our doctor's appointment

eden said...

I would love to do that too. I remember the time when we cut few trees around our backyard. All ended up to the rubbish tip. We don't have fireplace but I really love to have one. What a great way for you and your husband to spend Valentine's Day!

Have a nice day!

Japa said...

Productive and good one to spend a special day.

Carolyn Ford said...

Oh my...he was very busy! What a nice toasty house you will have now. Nice captures of very important work to be done.

Lianne said...

nothing more romantic than snuggling in front of the fireplace hehe :)

Robin said...

I love a good wood fire. Not something I get much of a chance to experience anymore though.

nice A said...

Very nice photos, Dimple! I have shared hot photos this time:)

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Great Post !

Auntie E said...

Love the fire wood. He will stay warm this Cold winter.

maryt/theteach said...

You're a good wife, Dimple! Thanks for participating in Ruby Tuesday! :)

DUTA said...

Although it's hard work - it looks very romantic to me: working together as a team outside in loving Nature, for a cause which will bring warmth and love to both of you. That's perfect activity on a Valentine's Day.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed that you enjoy working with your husband!

♥ Kathy said...

Well Happy Ruby Tuesday now :)

Carletta said...

You and your husband have something in common with my stepdad. He cuts wood parttime not for himself but to sell to others who need it. He loves the cutting, the splitting, and the stacking into cords.
You did a great job covering all these memes!

Rune Eide said...

You know firewood warms three times: Ones when you cut the tree, once again when you cut it up and at last when you burn it.

happily retired gal said...

Lovely photos for colorful multi-tasking! How nifty to do this activity together ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Paulie said...

How neat that you can get your own firewood! Enjoy those warm evenings by the fireplace. . . Ü

Terry said...

we live in the city, dimple and most people have gas furnaces, but the lady next door to us has a wood burning stove.
there is nothing like it when she has it burning on a cold winters day. the aroma of that fire fills the whole neighbourhood!
nothing more cosier than sitting in
front of a "camp fire" in your own front room.
nothing greater!
it is so nice that you are strong enough to be helping your husband in the wood terry